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Monday, February 8, 2016

នារីវ័យក្មេង ២នាក់ រវល់តែ វាយតប់គ្នា លេចកេរ្តិ៍ខ្មាស កណ្តាលវាល អត់ដឹងខ្លួន (មានវីដេអូ)

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ស៉្កតឡែន៖ នារីវ័យក្មេង ២នាក់ បានធ្វើឲ្យ អ្នកដំណើរជាច្រើន មានការភ្ញាក់ផ្អើល យ៉ាងខ្លាំង ដោយសារតែពួកនាង បានវាយតប់គ្នា នៅតាមដងផ្លូវ ហើយថែមទាំង លេចកេរ្តិ៍ខ្មាស ដាក់គេឯង ដោយមិនដឹងខ្លួន ទៀតផង។ ហេតុការណ៍វាយតប់គ្នា រហូតលេចកេរ្តិ៍ខ្មាសនោះ បានកើតឡើង នៅលើដងផ្លូវ មួយកន្លែង មានឈ្មោះថា Belmont Street ស្ថិតក្នុងទីក្រុង Aberdeen នៃប្រទេសស៉្កតឡែន។
បើតាមខ្សែវីដេអូ ដែលថតបានទាំងស្រុង នូវទិដ្ឋភាព វាយតប់គ្នានោះ បានបង្ហាញឲ្យឃើញ នារីវ័យក្មេង ២នាក់ បានប្រតាយប្រតប់គ្នា យ៉ាងខ្លាំង រហូតដួល ទៅលើដី ខណៈនារីម្នាក់ ដែលស្លៀករ៉ូប ពណ៌ស បានលេចចេញកេរ្តិ៍ខ្មាស នៅចំពោះមុខ អ្នកដំណើរជាច្រើន ទាំងមិនដឹងខ្លួន ព្រោះរវល់ជាប់ដៃ វាយតប់គ្នាពេក។

ទោះជាយ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ មិត្តភក្តិរបស់ពួកនាង ប៉ុន្មាននាក់ បានចូលមកឃាត់ និងបំបែក ចេញពីគ្នា ប៉ុន្តែនារីស្លៀករ៉ូប ពណ៌ស នៅតែមិនព្រមលែង និងសម្រុកចូល ទៅវាយយ៉ាងចាស់ដៃ ថែមទៀត ទាំងខ្លួន កំពុងតែ លេចចេញកេរ្តិ៍ខ្មាស ទាំងស្រុង ព្រោះមិនបាន ស្លៀកខោក្នុង។

យ៉ាងណាមិញ ហេតុការណ៍វាយតប់គ្នា រវាងនារីវ័យក្មេង ទាំង២នាក់នោះ មិនមានប្រភពណាមួយ បញ្ជាក់ថាមកពី មូលហេតុអ្វីឡើយ ប៉ុន្តែគេជឿជាក់ថា វាបានកើតឡើង កាលពីចុងខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០១៥ កន្លងទៅនេះ និងត្រូវបានថត ដោយកាមេរ៉ាទូរស័ព្ទដៃ ហើយក្រោយមក បានបង្ហោះទៅលើ បណ្តាញសង្គម ហ្វេសប៊ុក៕

Hi Mary Lou 

It was the mid year of "63 that was a standout amongst the most noteworthy of summers. Those cheerful days spent on the shores of Lake Geneva. Obviously there were dependably those mid year sentiments and it was that late spring that Mary Lou and I hit if off. It helps me to remember that Ricky Nelson hit "Hi Mary Lou" that has dependably conjured such sweet recollections. With those fondest of recollections I regularly recall that time such a great amount of unique in relation to today. The unobtrusive straightforwardness of that period it is truly a disaster that today's childhood are passing up a great opportunity for a period when their lives would be upgraded if they somehow happened to encounter the security we had growing up in those days. 

Today, the world is very different but then a significant number of the occurrences that are occurring today are a striking likeness to those world occasions that molded our presence a half century prior. The greatest distinction today is that our childhood, an excess of them aren't ready to encounter the delights of shortsighted security that really helped formed our lives over 50 years back. You check out the world now you find there is a developing vicinity of shakiness where our youngsters are as a rule continually presented to components, circumstances, pictures and conduct that were absolutely a long ways past anything we were presented to in those days. Numerous can bring up that the unreliability of today where there is so much doubt particularly in an excess of groups all over the nation where neighbors mind their own business, security frameworks line each road, and thief bars embellish each window and entryway just adds to the developing instability of our country. It is not any miracle then that one of the greatest development commercial ventures particularly with the expansion of character burglaries is security frameworks that are presently extremely popular and really are important to battle the shakiness dangers that are heightening ordinary. 

There is a late report about the frailty of our childhood in the case of a characteristic calamity or other fiasco that states if one occasion ought to happen our country's childhood would be more powerless than grown-ups to the life and passing risks that are constantly present when debacle strikes. It has been the deficiency of our administrative authorities to have set up satisfactory procurements that would ensure our childhood and lessening the levels of instability that our populace now fears. There is a developing agreement that the populace move the United States has experienced in the course of the most recent 40 years the demographics of which quickened the rate of riches toward the main 1% of the populace. This, while in the meantime the rate of diminishing finances designated to offer the developing quantities of poor some assistance with having more quadrupled recently inside of the previous decade. This implies while the rich are getting wealthier the white collar class has vanished and the quantity of individuals including our childhood are being cleared into the positions of poor people. This is a noteworthy cause why our kids and a lot of our populace are in a condition of interminable shakiness about their own future. 

As I think back to that late spring of '63 beyond any doubt there were worldwide groups affecting everything. The Cold War and our stalemate with the Soviet Union played an interior commitment toward our very own large number insecurities however in no way such as what our childhood are presented to today. Indeed, it was our countries enduring financial quality of a prevail white collar class amid that period empowered the adolescent of the 1950's and '60's to feel secure in their own surroundings as well as really be. 

Today, that is not the situation. With so much unreliability I am simply grateful that my childhood was amid a period that was very helpful for achieving every one of the wonders of today's innovation. The exceptionally tragic actuality however is that today there are such a variety of why should capable exploit all that man has contrived. In the United States where quite a bit of what was proposed for the improvement of our residents still an excess of can't get the advantages of today's advances which just adds to the shakiness of a country. 

With today's childhood being presented to occasions that unmistakably are instrumental in making a great part of the shakiness it is not consoling that our chose authorities proceed to either disregard or are out and out unmindful of the issues that really add to the unreliability of this country. We likewise have political applicants and the standard media over buildup current occasions to a point that these occasions add to more frailty. Wide open to the harshe elements War of the 50's and 60's there was a tranquil recognition to the mindful way in which then President Kennedy took care of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Without a doubt, we were all mindful of the genuine nature that the Cold War exhibited. Yet, the way our administrative authorities and the media of those times it was entirely apparent that a more grave and efficient procedure was utilized as a part of exhibiting the certainties and data to the American open. That is not the case today. There is a great deal more drama that has been brought on by the social move our general public has experienced following the mid 1970's. 

As a country today with all the turmoil in the Mid-East, North Korea's explosion of a Weapon of Mass Destruction, the medication cartels of South America and Mexico alongside the dread agitators through-out Africa and whatever remains of the Middle East are all possibilities to the steadily expanding shakiness our childhood and whatever is left of our populace are experiencing today. When you include the current financial picture the US and a great part of whatever is left of the world are in it is obviously reasonable why a lot of our populace feel frail about their own particular future as well as really are as a country generally unreliable. At the point when there is so much monetary disparity as we have right here in the United States this breeds shakiness which is the primary driver of so much precariousness. This insecurity adds to a significant part of the discontent we are seeing today. 

With this next Presidential decision the United States has an uncommon chance to suppress this countries flimsiness and really achieve the progressions expected to restore financial balance that is at the base of why there is so much instability. However, it can just happen on the off chance that we all understand the reasons for our apprehensions and go about as a country to realize the progressions expected to secure our future and that of whatever is left of the world. 

Recollecting Mary Lou of a most exceptional of summers when on numerous a mid year night we really did feel protected and warm. We all ought to have the capacity to have valuable recollections that are so sweet. It is still conceivable.

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