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Monday, February 8, 2016

ក្មេងស្រីសិស្សសាលាម្នាក់ត្រូវបានគេរំលោភហើយសម្លាប់ចោលបន្ទាប់ពីចេញពីសាលាមកផ្ទះម្នាក់ឯង (មានវីដេអូ)

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តាមពត័មានរបស់ប្រទេសថៃបានអោយដឹង ក្មេងស្រីសាលាម្នាក់មានឈ្មោះថា Nok Rachanok រស់នៅខេត្តឈុនបូរី ត្រូវបានយុវជនបែកថ្នាំម្នាក់បានចាប់រូបនាងយកទៅកន្លែងស្ងាត់ហើយបានធ្វើការំលោភ ដោយសារខឹងក្មេងស្រីម្នាក់នោះក្រញៅនឹងខាំខ្លួន ម្នាក់ជាជនមនុស្សបានយកកំបិតចាក់សម្លាប់ចោលតែម្តង ១ថ្ងៃបន្ទាប់ពីសម្លាប់ ជនសង្ស័យត្រូវបានប៉ូលិសចាប់ខ្លួន ។ ដោយមានការខឹងសម្បាយ៉ាងខ្លាំងពីប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ បាននាំគ្នាសម្រុកចូល ដើម្បីសម្លាប់ជនល្មើសដើម្បីសងសឹកអោយជនរងគ្រោះវិញ តែត្រូវបានប៉ូលីស នាំចេញ ទៅប៉ូលិសវិញដោយសុវត្ថិភាព។

cap If Great Minds Fled the City? 

A little more than six years back, my more youthful sibling Cory kept in touch with me a touching email. After barely having seen nor gotten notification from him for quite a while, I was astounded to discover in my inbox a long, astute redesign on his life. (We had not been on the most welcoming of talking terms before that because of contentions identified with his medication dependence.) In his message, he talked about his late move from the mountains of rustic Appalachia to Austin, Texas. In Austin he had at long last found a group that was instrumental in his compulsion recuperation. By volunteering at neighborhood open foundations, steadfastly going to a move group and modifying his hard working attitude to be not so much rushed but rather more consider, he could see the significance of "more prominent's benefit" over the significance of the "worldly liberality" of his enslavement. 

Despite his general satisfaction, in any case, he communicated to me some misgiving over discovering his specialty in such an extensive city. 

As he composed: 

"The main drawback to [Austin] at all is that its populace is generally comprised of youthful smart people that all originated from some place that conceivable needs them. The "mind channel" impact to the maximum. There are such a variety of astounding individuals here responding vitality off one another, I can't resist the urge to consider all the residential areas that are feeling the loss of that wellspring of identity and salary... " 

I read these words from the PC lab at my restorative school in the biggest city in the US, New York City. I was enjoying a study reprieve from neuropathology. As a second-year therapeutic understudy, I was burning through twelve to fourteen hours at the restorative school expanding on East 69th road. What little stayed of my waking hours was spent strolling to and from my loft on East 77th road. Watching out the window at the bustling crossing point of East 69th road and York-one loaded with quick strolling walkers to and from the structures in the New York Presbyterian and Memorial Sloan Kettering medicinal focuses I considered how our general public would look if all the well-paying occupations in the economy were in rustic regions. 

Envisioning this speculative situation, I started an idea examination that despite everything I rehash now and again right up 'til today. 

Imagine a scenario where the monetary development in the course of recent years went in the bearing not of urbanization but rather of ruralization. 

In the 1800's, well more than 90% of the US populace lived in country territories. In 1900, that number had dropped to 70%. Today, a negligible 19% of the US lives in a rustic region. Imagine a scenario in which the insights were switched. Consider the possibility that 20% of the US lived in urban communities while 80% lived in the nation. 

Presently, before I progress to far into this the norm addressing line of thought, I need to pronounce above all else that I don't loathe, or even mourn, the presence of urban areas. I've lived in New York City, Boston, London, Madrid, and Houston, and I've found an extraordinary affection for each one of them. I adored having the capacity to get up and stroll down the road to national gatherings while living in New York City and in Boston. In Madrid, I worshiped the Cercanías train that could get me from Madrid's Barajas airplane terminal to my wife's condo close 'Nuevos Minesterios' metro stop inside of 30 minutes, permitting me to drive each week from my doorstep close Brussels to her doorstep in Madrid inside of a couple of hours. I cherish the social, social and monetary wealth that urban communities bring to the table. 

Back to the idea test. 

In the event that we envision the rustic/urban proportion of present day urban culture being not 20% country: 80% urban yet rather 80% provincial: 20% urban, the present day nations that would possess all the necessary qualities would be ones like Swaziland, Malawi, or South Sudan-nations which have not appreciated even near the measure of monetary development as Western nations have in the course of recent hundreds of years. The going with development of monetary ways of life nearby urbanization could suggest from one perspective that urbanization prompts financial development. So has been the contention urbanization prompts effectiveness, economies of scale, monetary development, and so forth. This pattern could likewise infer that the urbanization and monetary development are just correlative patterns and that one does not as a matter of course prompt the other. 

In the event that we could put verifiable blinders on-which I know is not by any means conceivable would it be conceivable only for a minute to imagine a general public with the monetary standard of, say, Switzerland (GDP per capita $84,000/year) while as yet keeping up a country: urban proportion of 80% rustic to 20% urban? 

Numerous would say 'in no way, shape or form,' however in the event that we ponder vital financial administrations that are connected with urbanization could pretty much too be supplied in a country based economy. 

Take sustenance generation to begin. Most by far of Americans' nourishment supply could hypothetically be supplied by home planting. Numerous estates have possessed the capacity to supply their whole year's supply of sustenance with only a half-section of land parcel on which to develop vegetables and raise domesticated animals. At the point when specific sustenances are required, numerous can be procured locally or even dealt for. Furthermore, when families experience the ill effects of poor harvest, starvation or irritations, those with wealth could bolster those with less collect through group wash rooms on a neighborhood level-or between area sustenance sharing concurrences on a bigger scale. 

Power, too, could hypothetically be supplied to a substantial populace in a country based economy. Sun based boards (particularly with advances underway), hydroelectric vitality, wind vitality and straightforward protection from not keeping substantial urban office structures running-could supply a lot of individuals' required power. Furthermore, when fossil fills are required, there is nothing keeping power plants from supplying individuals' energy in provincial ranges. 

Also, transportation can be made almost as available in urban territories as it can be in rustic settings. Autos obviously have been the "staple" of provincial families in this nation, however that doesn't need to be so. In the event that more individuals paid for trains to go to country territories (as in France and a significant part of whatever remains of Western Europe), a thriving, broad train system could transport individuals between provincial urban communities for considerably less vitality than autos could. Too, even air travel could be made greatly open to provincial regions by either self-steering or agreeable responsibility for, where gatherings of families offer responsibility for. Numerous Alaskans figure out how to live many miles from the closest city by flying their own particular planes. 

At long last, quality medicinal services might, I be able to would contend, be conveyed in a country based economy. Nation specialists (general professionals) could supply the lion's offer of therapeutic consideration, and when more particular consideration is fundamental, a lot of it could be taken care of through e-counsels online (as is progressively the case in rustic settings). Numerous lab tests can be performed on a patient a large number of miles away, and imaging could be perused by read by a radiologist from for all intents and purposes anyplace. In spite of the fact that as much as 80% of individuals' therapeutic needs could be met in an essential consideration setting, unquestionably there are situations where a man needs a surgery from a far away specialist or a medication mixture from an uncommon growth focus. Be that as it may, with a strong train framework, flying agreeable or individual airplane a patient could generally too travel a thousand miles in a day. Also, for the rising methods, there are approaches to adjust to country settings (e.g. ambulances with CT scanners and cluster busting specialists for strokes). 

I will stop my idea test here. I have said nothing of diversion, games, or training in a rustic based economy, however I believe that they can all be made open to a great many people in the situation I've recently portrayed. That will be for another post. 

My point is not to put forth a Luddite defense against present day innovation which I all that much acknowledge however to bring up the issue of whether the condition of urbanization that we've come to in the West should be the norm. 


Subsequent to perusing my sibling's message, I enjoyed a stretched out reprieve from my studies to make an answer. I expressed gratitude toward him for composing and urged him to proceed in his group administration tries that helped him "climb one rock higher" over his habit. I likewise recommended that he and I take an outing together, to reconnect following quite a while of separate fashioned by habit. He answered rapidly, saying that "he wouldn't miss" the chance to get to know each other. He shockingly endured a bicycle mischance after that, after which he backslid and wound up in jail. Quite a long while later, however, we were at long last ready to make that trek together. After over 10 years of offense, we strolled the Primitive Way of Saint James, reconnecting in the mountains of Asturias-hours away frame any city

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