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Monday, February 8, 2016

គយរអោយសោកស្ដាយណាស់! ហេតុតែវក់ចុចទូរសព្ទខ្លាំងពេក ស្ត្រីម្នាក់ អត់បានមើលផ្លូវ ធ្លាក់ទឹកលូរស្លាប់ (មានវីដេអូ)

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ចិន៖ ស្ត្រីជនជាតិចិន អាយុ២៨ឆ្នាំម្នាក់ បានលង់ទឹកស្លាប់ ដោយសារតែភ្លាត់ជើង រអិលធ្លាក់ចូលទៅក្នុងទឹកទន្លេ ព្រោះតែវក់នឹងការចុចទូរសព្ទដៃខ្លាំងពេក។

វីដេអូកាមេរ៉ាសុវត្ថិភាព​នៅក្នុងទីក្រុង Wenzhou ខេត្ត Zhejiang ត្រូវបានប្រភពព័ត៌មាន CCTVNews បង្ហោះផ្សាយនៅលើបណ្តាញសង្គម នៅថ្ងៃនេះ បង្ហាញឲ្យឃើញមូលហេតុ ដែលស្ត្រីរងគ្រោះត្រកូល Wang បានស្លាប់ ដែលបានកើតឡើង កាលពីថ្ងៃទី ២៩ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០១៥ ពោលគឺមុនថ្ងៃឆ្លងឆ្នាំ ២ថ្ងៃ។ តាមរយ:វីដេអូនេះ គេអាចឃើញស្ត្រីរងគ្រោះ ធ្វើដំណើរបន្តើរ មុខសន្លឹងមើលទូរសព្ទបន្តើរ ដោយមិនបានចាប់អារម្មណ៍ចំពោះផ្លូវដើរ ថាខ្លួនកំពុងសំដៅ ទៅរកទឹកទន្លេឡើយ។

យ៉ាងណាមិញ សាកសពស្ត្រីរងគ្រោះ ត្រូវបានរកឃើញ ក្រោយពេលដែលប្តីរបស់នាង ប្រទះឃើញស្បែកជើងប្រពន្ធខ្លួន អណ្តែតទឹកទន្លេរួចមក។

នេះជាសារដាន់តឿន ទៅដល់ប្រិយមិត្តអ្នកអានផងដែរ ឲ្យមានការប្រុងប្រយ័ត្ន រាល់ពេលធ្វើដំណើរ ដោយកុំបណ្តោយខ្លួនឲ្យជក់នឹងការចុចទូរសព្ទខ្លាំងពេក ដែលអាចនាំឲ្យមានគ្រោះថ្នាក់ជាយថាហេតុ ដូចករណីមួយនេះ៕

Taking Refugees 

In the late spring of 2015, Europe encountered the most astounding inundation of displaced people subsequent to the World War II. Why? 

The primary reason is that Syria has turned into the world's top wellspring of displaced people. Syria is situated in the center east, a fruitful area home to various ethnic and religious gatherings. Since 1960s, it has been driven by the Assad family which has ruled it as despots until the Arab Spring happened in 2011. A progressive rush of challenges and clashes emerged in the Arab World against the tyrant administration. Yet, the Assads declined to venture down and began a merciless common war. Diverse ethnicities and religious gatherings battled with one another in evolving coalitions. ISIS, a jihadist activist gathering utilized the open door and entered the mayhem with an objective to manufacture a totalitarian Islamic caliphate. Quickly, it got to be a standout amongst the most vicious and fruitful fanatic associations on earth, all times perpetrating harbor atrocities utilizing substance weapons, mass executions, torment on expansive scale and rehashed dangerous assaults on regular folks. The non military personnel populace was caught between the administration, rebel gatherings and religious radicals. 

"There is no noteworthy approach to murder, no tender approach to annihilate and there is no good thing in war, with the exception of its closure," cited Abraham Lincoln, yet tragically this war has no end. 

33% of the Syrian individuals have been uprooted inside of Syria while more than 4 million have fled the nation. By far most of them dwell now in camps in the neighboring nations, who are dealing with 95% of the exiles. The Arab conditions of the Persian Gulf together have acknowledged zero Syrian outcasts which has been called particularly "disgraceful" by the Amnesty International. 

The UN in the World Food Program was not arranged for evacuee emergency on this scale. Therefore, numerous displaced person camps are swarmed and undersupplied, subjecting individuals to icy, craving and infection. The Syrians lost any expectation of their circumstance will be improving at any point in the near future. Such a variety of chose to look for refuge in Europe. Somewhere around 2007 and 2014, the EU had put around 2 billion Euros in protections, innovative security innovation and port watches. Be that as it may, not a considerable measure in readiness of inundation of outcasts, so it was severely arranged for the tempest of the refuge seekers. In EU, the nation where a refuge seeker first enters the union is in charge of enrolling the shelter application and taking the fingerprints, thus diminishing weight on the states that were at that point stuck in an unfortunate situation. Greece, amidst monetary emergency, on the panic of incredible sorrow was not ready to deal with such a large number of individuals immediately, prompting unpleasant scenes of urgent hungry individuals on islands typically held for vacationers. The world expected to meet up and go about as a united front however rather it has turned out to be more partitioned. Numerous states out and out declined to take in any displaced people allowing the neighboring states to sit unbothered in their battle. In 2014, the UK did an inquiry and salvage operation called Mare Nostrum that was intended to prevent the shelter seekers from suffocating in the Mediterranean. The thought appears to have been the higher test hang on the ocean would mean less refuge seekers attempting to make the adventure. The impression of the emergency around the globe all of a sudden changed when the photographs coursed of a dead kid from Syria discovered lying face down on a shoreline in Turkey. 

Germany declared it will no matter what acknowledge all Syrian exiles and is presently get ready to take in 8,00,000 individuals in 2015, more than the whole EU took in 2014, just to force makeshift outskirt controls a couple of days after the fact and an interest in EU wide arrangements. Everywhere throughout the west more individuals are starting to take activities. Every one of those backing for shelter seekers has generally originated from subjects and not from the legislators. Be that as it may, there are stages in the western world: Islam, high conception rates, wrongdoing and the breakdown of the social frameworks. We should recognize this and take a gander at the realities. 

Regardless of the possibility that the EU consents to acknowledge all the 4 million Syrian exiles and 100% of the Muslims, the rate of Muslims in the EU would just ascent to around 4% to around 5%. This is not an extraordinary change and will surely not make it a Muslim landmass. A Muslim minority is neither new nor motivation to be anxious. Conception rates in numerous parts of the western world are low, so some place refuge seekers may surpass the local populace in a couple of decades. Concentrates on have demonstrated that despite the fact that conception rates are higher among the Muslims in Europe, they drop pretty much as the way of life and level of instruction rises. Most Syrian outcasts as of now are instructed. The conception rates in Syria before common war were not high and the populace was really contracting; now developing. The apprehension that displaced people lead to high wrongdoing rate likewise ends up being incorrectly. Displaced people who get to be tenants are more averse to perpetrate wrongdoings than the local populace. At the point when permitted to work, they tend to begin organizations and incorporate themselves into the workforce as quick as could be allowed, paying more into the social frameworks. Syrians going toward the west are potential expert specialists frantically expected to manage Europe's maturing populace. 

Likewise outcasts going with advanced mobile phones have prompted the confusion that they are not by any stretch of the imagination needing assistance. Online networking and the web have turned into an imperative part of being an evacuee. GPS is utilized to explore the long courses to Europe. Facebook bunches give tips and data about snags continuously. This just demonstrates these individuals are similar to us. On the off chance that you needed to make a hazardous voyage, would you abandon your telephone?? 

The EU is the wealthiest cluster of economies on the planet. Very much sorted out states with working social frameworks, foundation, majority rules system and enormous businesses. It can deal with the test of displaced person emergency on the off chance that it needs to. The same can be said for the entire western world. While minor Jordan has taken in 6,00,000 Syrian displaced people, the UK which has 78 times the GDP of Jordan has just said that it would permit just 20,000 Syrians over its fringes throughout the following five years. The US has consented to acknowledge 10,000 and Australia 12,000 individuals. General things are gradually showing signs of improvement however not sufficiently quick. We are composing history at this moment. How would we like to be recollected?? As enough rich weaklings taking cover behind wall!! We need to understand that these individuals experiencing passing and annihilation are the same as us. By tolerating them into our nations and incorporating them into our social orders, we have much to pick up. There is just something to be lost on the off chance that we disregard this emergency. All the more dead youngsters will be found on water shore in the event that we don't act with mankind and reason. How about we do this privilege and attempt to be the best we can be.

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