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Monday, February 8, 2016

យកស្រីស្នេហ៍ទៅដេកនៅផ្ទះសំណក់ តែត្រូវប្រពន្ធតាមទាន់ ចាប់វៃយ៉ាងចាសដៃ (មានវីដេអូ)

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យកស្រីស្នេហ៍ទៅដេកនៅផ្ទះសំណក់ តែត្រូវប្រពន្ធតាមទាន់ ចាប់វៃយ៉ាងចាសដៃ (មានវីដេអូ)

Resilience And Peace

The intrusion and loot of any nation by the nonnatives occurred without much resistance from the local individuals. In that procedure, the neighborhood customs and legacies were harmed and some got crushed also. The spread and development of various outsider societies, ways of life and religions around the world additionally vouch for the level of resistance. The accompanying viewpoints sufficiently portray the estimation of resistance in serene presence of individuals in spite of the inconveniences and hardships confronted.

Tricks. Regardless, tricks occurred in all kinds of different backgrounds. The corrupt government officials created every one of these cheats autonomously or in intrigue with the ravenous business firms and hostile to national components. Be that as it may, the residents benevolently overlooked them and voted the same arrangement of individuals for decision them. Is this not a signal of resilience!

Defilement. After the hard-battled freedom, defilement involves the second position in uniting the general population of a country. Independent of the way of life, religion and dialect, individuals have added to the propensity to overlook the evil impacts of this social ailment. Truth be told, the natives have assimilated the need for defilement to satisfy their wishes effortlessly. The credit goes to the political experts and the eager mediators at different levels of the progressive system.

Religion. The essential precepts of the religions have been overlooked and consigned to the patios. The genuine reason for the beliefs is devastated by the narrow-mindedness of the religious heads. The mysticism has turned into a custom. Numerous religions lean toward reputation and proliferation over truth and peace. A few religions enjoy the transformation of the guileless and destitute individuals to their confidence by making false claims enhancements and benefits. Other than these inconsistencies, a few legislators contribute their strength with disparaging remarks on religions just to charm the electorate. In any case, most of the unwavering devotees overlooks such fraudsters and instigators to live in agreement.

Foundation. Regardless of the poor streets, sanitation, and transport offices, the natives don't protest much and stay self-satisfied about what is accessible. The political gatherings make tall guarantees of framework at the season of every race to collect their votes. Generally, the section of private undertakings, the infringements on the farming and open terrains have taken a substantial toll exhaustive the environmental change and natural irregularity. Yet, individuals never turn to any solid tumult or bigotry, yet serenely continue with the happiness of getting new wellspring of livelihood and pay.

Dark cash. The real share of unaccounted salary and riches originates from the legislators and those acquiring through illegitimate and deceptive strategies. This is exceptionally normal in the less created and creating nations. Unless measures like strict authorization and disciplines are actualized, the aggregation of the dark cash can't be reduced. A little segment of the populace gloats of such unlawful and gigantic assets while the lion's share flourishes in poor conditions. It's a mystery that the lawmakers get their triumphant votes from poor people and white collar class areas, yet stay reliable to the minority gather that supports their gatherings. Notwithstanding this hostility, the lion's share harbors no bigotry to the legislators.

Charges. These are expected for collecting so as to keep up a libertarian culture an offer of the abundance wage and riches from the rich and utilizing it for building the welfare of the less wealthy and the general population courtesies. Nonetheless, numerous cover their wellsprings of pay and dodge charges. The main genuine citizens are the white collar class and salaried individuals confronting reasoning of pay duty. To bother the weight, governments report new charges each time the financial plans are exhibited. There are unlimited duties that a subject pays right from conception to the final gasp. Incognizant of these deficiencies, the normal individual bears the weight of every assessment. All things considered, he is the VOTER, viz. Voice of The Tax Payer, however with no voice.

Swelling. Numerous individuals raise a shout when the costs of horticultural things go up. They don't foment for the precarious ascent in bullion, autos, genuine homes and other extravagance merchandise. Why is this inclination in narrow mindedness? Unadulterated childishness as they are influenced. Once more, the poor segments of the economy don't scrutinize the curtailing so as to surge swelling and oversee the use and reviling their fates.

There are numerous such things that clarify the magnificent human attitude of resistance. Without persistence and resilience, peace is unimaginable on the planet. Envision if everybody carries on with bigotry, just disorder will win.

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