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Monday, February 8, 2016

ថ្មីៗទៀតហើយ...! លិចទូកភ្ញៀវទេសចរណ៍នៅកោះរុង (មានវីដេអូ)

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The Hand The Devil Deals

Through-out the historical backdrop of humankind there have dependably been the individuals who figured out how to store up incredible fortunes. The honors that take after have dependably seized the excellence of their favorable luck. For the hoards however, through-out the world have dependably moped miserably in edginess and depression supplicating that they also could ascend out of the profundities of sadness, neediness, and misfortune. In numerous examples it can be said that through their anguish the allurement of the dull side of humankind overpowers their spirit.

In consistently since the Great Flood there have been those whose successes were made conceivable by exchanging their everlasting soul for gritty additions. All of humankind has been witnesses to the outrages that have been showed out of man's childish goals. It can be seemingly said that where there is goodness and ethicalness there is additionally vile fiendishness. This insidious when the Devil plays his hand numerous succumb to the allurement of the hand that is managed. All that mankind has made throughout the hundreds of years from the immense gems, writing, science, music, innovation, and drug is always being undermined by the individuals who have effectively acknowledged the hand the Devil has managed.

In a world that is logically savage regardless of all that is great and upright the billows of duplicity and misleading keep on covering the mankind of man. There are numerous who hunger for influence, riches and wonderfulness for they are the ones who are so regularly influenced by their own cognizant cravings to procure the prizes from the hand the Devil has managed. So regularly camouflaged where more genuine expectations lie in hold up the wicked arrangements are as of now in play. There is such a great amount of confirmation, to difficult to disprove that the narrow minded yearnings of individuals who have effectively acknowledged the Devil's hand have succeeded in achieving their gritty increases.

The stunning value man has effectively paid from the internal clashes in the middle of good and fiendishness has put humankind on the very edge of being sent again into the hole of the Neanderthal. As so regularly in the past there have been those whose decency and temperance have not been enticed by the hand the Devil has managed for they are the ones who have made the future conceivable. What's more, yet there are those few whose acknowledgment of the Devil's hand have just made that future for millions a feeling of things past.

Today's reality where cash conceives influence, and influence brings forth control, and control generates more riches is the chain of reality today. The connections of this chain stretch the world over. The desperate conditions to which millions keep on floundering in is demonstration of the narrow minded cravings of the individuals who have officially acknowledged the Devil's hand. The bondage to which mankind keeps on persisting where more than 50 million the world over are constrained into servitude is the place their disciplinarians have enthusiastically acknowledged the Devil's hand.

Indeed, even in created nations cutting edge servitude is prospering. With all the talk about bringing the lowest pay permitted by law up in the US today numerous would concur that those few who have procured wealth crazy as clear by the huge pay uniqueness crevice is an amazing demonstration of what has turned into a virtuousless society. There are endless millions in the US who live everyday pondering when they too will have the capacity to transcend the affliction that they have been subjected to by those few who have promptly acknowledged the hand the Devil has given them. All around the globe in this the 21st century you would have imagined that subjection would be wiped out but then there keeps on being expanding quantities of the individuals who have fallen into the grip of the individuals who have succumbed to the hand the Devil has managed.

In a great many nations a large number of youngsters are being compelled to work in impossible conditions, to transient specialists who drudge for quite a while bearing the heaviness of their slave drivers who keep on harvesting the abundance of their constrained works. Indeed, even in Florida transient laborers are subjected to horrendous working and living conditions one would just partner their subjugation as current servitude. In different countries a large number of young ladies are being constrained into prostitution while a great many men and ladies are casualties of reinforced work.

At the point when the United Nations presented the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1998 with full participation with the United States and the other created nations put in words that they have recognized that there keeps on being a tumor of human enduring and subjugation that keeps on spreading and taint each country around the globe. Yet, from that point forward the activities of these pioneers of state have just empowered those few who have acknowledged the hand the Devil has managed to discredit the significance and endeavors to facilitate the agony of millions around the globe.

It is composed in article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as " Everyone has the privilege to a way of life satisfactory for the wellbeing and prosperity for himself and of his family, including nourishment, water, sanitation, dress, lodging, restorative and essential social administrations. This likewise incorporates the privilege of security in the occasion of unemployment, ailment, inability, seniority, widowhood and other absence of vocation in circumstances outside their ability to control." It is unexpected that the United Nations with sponsorship of the US and other created nations have attested this Universal Human Rights Declaration while the few who have been supporters of the hand the Devil bargains keep on denying the accessibility to all around accomplish these fundamental human rights when the world has the assets to do as such.

As the world goes to the end of one more year a year where so much human enduring proceeds what preferable time over this Christmas season to recognize that we all can put in play the humankind once again into each general public. Where individuals all over will really have the capacity to have the way to leave the yolk of abuse that is choking the life blood out of humanity. To live free from need and free from apprehension is a reality we need to accomplish.

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