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Monday, February 1, 2016

រឿង ( ១៨ + ) : និសិត្សស្រីសិចស៊ីរបស់បង ( និស្សិតពីរនាក់ កំពុង រួមរ័ក នៅក្នុងបន្ទប់ទឹក )

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និពន្ធដោយ: សាណា និងកែសម្រួលដោយរ៉ាយុត ធារីជានិស្សិតម្នាក់ក្នុងសាកលវិទ្យាល័យនៅភ្នំពេញ ដោយអះអាងខ្លួនថា ជាស្រីស្អាតប្រចាំសាលា រៀនម្នាក់នាងតែធ្វើអ្វីៗដែរនឹកស្មានមិនដល់។ អំនួតនេះហើយធ្វើឲ្យនាងទទួលបានប្រជា ប្រិយភាពជាលើកដំបូង ដោយសារការបង្ហោះរូបភាពផ្ទាល់ខ្លួនរបស់នាងនៅក្នុងហ្វេសប៊ុក កាលពីចុងឆ្នាំមុននេះ រូបភាពនាងលេចលើលេចក្រោមធ្វើអោយប្រុសៗមិនថាចាស់រឺក្មេងឃើញ ហើយតែងតឹងលីអូ។វាជារឿងធម្មតាទេសម្រាប់នាង ព្រោះនាងបានអនុញ្ញាតិឲ្យបុរសៗ មើលឃើញកន្លោះកន្លៀតមិនប្រណីដៃឲ្យតែបានល្បីឈ្មោះជាស្រីស្អាតប្រចាំហ្វេសប៊ុក ដោយនាងមិនតែនៅស៊ីននៅឡើយ តាមពិតធារីនាងបានបូជារូបកាយមិនស្តាយស្រណោះ ព្រហ្មចារីយ៍ជាច្រើនលើកជូនសង្សារសំលាញ់ចិត្តនាងរួចមកហើយទើបនាងហ៊ានធ្វើបែបនេះ ប្រហែលនាងខូចចិត្តនឹងសង្សារដែរក្បត់ចិត្តនាងមានថ្មីរៀបការចោលហើយមើលទៅ។មកដល់ថ្ងៃនេះនាងលែងខ្វល់រឿងស្នេហាពិតហើយ ធារីនាងនៅស្អាតណាស់ ក្នុងវ័យទើបតែ ២១ ឆ្នាំ មានវង់ភ័ក្រមូលក្រឡំសាច់សម៉ដ្ឋខៃដូចបណ្តូលចេក រាងរៅស្វែលតូចច្រឡឹងចូលចិត្តពន្លែង ភាពសិចស៊ីបែបនេះ តើឲ្យបុរសណាម្នាក់មិនអាចយកភ្នែកមើលដោយមិនគិតថា នៅខាងមុខ ខ្លួនមានម៉ូតូ កង់ ឬរថយន្ត…អ្វីទាំងអស់នោះ!ទេ។ ធារី បានសរសេរនៅក្នុងគេហទំព័រហ្វេស ប៊ុករបស់នាងថា បុរសៗទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងថ្នាក់របស់នាងចូលចិត្តមើលនាងណាស់ ពិសេសពេល នាងស្លៀកខ្លីៗបញ្ចេញសាច់ខ្ចី (ប្រុសៗតែចឹង)។ ធារីនាងក៏បាននិយាយឲ្យដឹងទៀតថា នាងមានជើងវែងស្រឡូន ហើយកត្តានេះហើយដែរបានបន្ថែមមន្តស្នេហ៍ពិសេសដល់នាង ដើម្បីទាក់ទាញការចាប់អារម្មណ៍ពីសំណាក់ប្រុសៗអោយលង់សម្រស់កាន់តែខ្លាំងថែមមួយកំរិតទៀត។ នឹកកាលវេលាមួយបន្ទាប់ពីម៉ោងចូលរៀនធារីក៏ដើរមកក្នុងបន្ទប់ទឹក ពេលនោះនាង ចាប់អារម្មណ៏ ថាមានបុរសម្នាក់តាមមើលរូបរាងរហូត រូបរាងគេសង្ហារ ស្អាត នាងពិតជាចាប់អារម្មណ៏ គេណាស់ព្រោះគេពិតជាសង្ហារណាស់ ប្រហែលនាងកំពុងតែមានអារម្មណ៏ដែរហើយបាន ជានាងមើលមុខរបស់គេ ថែមទាំងបញ្ចេញពន្លឺអ្វីម្យ៉ាងដោយក្តីចាប់អារម្មណ៏ពីកែវភ្នែក វាច្បាស់ណាស់ព្រោះគេទាំងពីរនាក់តែងតែប្រទាក់ខ្សែភ្នែកគ្នា ធារីនិងសត្យាពិតជា សមគ្នាណាស់ស្រីស្រស់ប្រុសស្អាតសង្ហារ។កំលោះសង្ហារយើងមើលឆ្វេង ស្តាំក៏ដើរមក ក្បែរធារីទាំងនិយាយ។

តើម៉ោងសម្រាកមែនទេ? _ចាស សុំគ្រូមកនេះ។ធារីនិយាយទាំងចង្អុលទៅបន្ទប់ទឹកខាងស្រី។ចំណែកសត្យាសំលឹងមើលក្បែរៗហាកស្ងាត់ក៏និយាយ។ -ខ្ញុំក៏ចង់ចូលដូចគ្នាដែរ តែបន្ទប់ទឹកប្រុសដូចស្ទះណាស់ ស្ងាត់ចឹងប្រុសអាចចូលបន្ទប់ស្រីបានទេណ? ធារីមើលទៅបុរសសង្ហារតែនិយាយសើច ដាក់នាង ហើយនាងក៏យល់អារម្មណ៏គេមានន័យយ៉ាងម៉េចដែរ រួមផ្សំនឹងនាងមានអារម្មណ៏ផងក៏និយាយឌឺដង។ -ចូលបាន តែត្រូវស្ងាត់កុំអោយគេលឺ។ គ្រាន់តែលឺដូចនេះសត្យាក៏អរក្រៃលែងហើយ ចាប់ដៃធារីចូលក្នុងបន្ទប់មួយប្រិប។ចូលដល់បន្ទប់ខាងនារីពិតជាស្ងាត់មែន ដូចម្តងឪកាសដល់គូរស្នេហ៏ថ្មីមួយនេះប្រតិបត្តិការចឹង គ្រាន់តែចាក់គន្លឹះភ្លាម បបូរមាត់ក្រហមស៊ិចស៊ីរបស់ធារីត្រូវទប់ទល់ជាមួយបបូរមាត់ក្រហមក្រាស់របស់សត្យា មើលទៅសត្យាថើមបបូរមាត់ស្តើងរបស់ស្រីស្រស់សែនសិចណាស់។ -ក្រែងលោកថាមកនោម? ដំនាក់កាលនេះហើយធារីនាងនៅធ្វើមាយាទៀត។ -បងមកនោមមែន តែនោមទឹកសរ ដាក់អូនណឹងធារី។ -ខូចដូចក្នុងហ្វេសប៊ុកចឹងសត្យាឯង។ តាមពិតគេទាំងពីរជាមិត្តនឹងគ្នាក្នុងហ្វេសប៊ុកទេតើស។ -ចង់ដឹងទឹកសរណឹងមានអីឆ្ងាញ់ទៅ? -ពិតជាឆ្ងាញ់មែនណា! គ្រាន់តែនិយាយហើយ ស្រាប់តែពេលនោះ ធារីនាងបែរជាមុខឡើងក្រហម ហើយដៃរុះចុះឡើងៗពីខាងក្រៅខោខ្មៅជើងវែងរសប់សត្យារហូតធ្វើឲ្យវត្ថុនោះទល់របស់គេឡើងតឹង។ ដោយទ្រាំនឹងភាពឌឺដងរបស់ស្រីស្រស់ធ្វើដាក់ខ្លួនមិនបាន សត្យាក៏រុញនាងទៅជ្រុងម្ខាងនៃជញ្ជាំងព្រោះនៅក្នុងបន្ទប់ទឹកមិនសូវជាធំណាស់ណាទេ រួចនាយសត្យាចាប់ផ្តើមថើបជញ្ជក់មាត់ស្រីស្រស់យ៉ាងតក់ក្រហល់ ហើយដៃធារីចាប់ផ្តើមរាវរកនាគរាជរបស់សត្យាម្តងទៀត ហើយក៏រូតខោចាប់ទាញវាមកសាប់យ៉ាងពេញដៃ។ -រឹងលឿងមេស! -វារឹងតាំងតែពីបានឃើញអូនស្លៀកខ្លី។ _ខូចណាស់បងឯង ។ ថាហើយសត្យាចាប់ដោះឡេវអាវរបៀបនិសិត្សរបស់ធារីចេញ ហើយដោះអាវក្នុងពណ៌ទឹកក្រូចស្រស់សែនស៊ីចស៊ីរបស់នាងចេញ អូយ! អូហូព្រោះអើយ មើលទៅចុងដោះរបស់ធារីសែនក្រហមស្រស់ណាស់ សត្យាចាប់ផ្តើមច្របាច់សាច់ដោះក្លំទំហំលេខ34របស់នាងលេងទាំងសងខាង។ -ដោះអូនស្អាតណាស់ធារី ស្អាតច្បាស់ជាងនៅក្នុងរូបថតទៅទៀត។ ធារីមិននិយាយគិតតែពីផ្អែកជញ្ជាំងបឺតជញ្ជក់មាត់ ហើយបែរមកថ្ងូរយ៉ាងរងំតិចៗ។ ត្រឹមតែលេងមិនអាចរំងាប់សេចក្តីត្រេកត្រអាលរបស់សត្យាដែរក្នាញ់នាងជាយូរមកហើយបានទេ សត្យាបានមកបឺតជញ្ជក់យកៗនូវសុដងមូលក្លំរបស់ស្រីស្អាតយើង នាយថែមទាំងលិតក្រវែលចុះឡើងៗផងដែរជុំវិញដោះក្លំស្អាតនោះ។ ដៃកំលោះយើងពេលនោះគឺចាប់ផ្តើមសើយសំពត់ខ្លីបែបនិសិត្សរបស់ធារីឡើងលើ ហើយរាវរកល្អាងអាថកំបាំងរបស់នាង តែមិនឃើញសោះ បែរជាជួបនឹងដំបូកប៉ោងធំមួយដែលមានស្មៅដុះរិចៗគួរអោយបេតីគ្រាន់តែប៉ះអារម្មណ៏របស់ធារីនិងសត្យាសែនរំជួលចិត្តពេកក្រៃ មើលទៅសត្យាយកដៃរាវរុកចូលមាត់ដំបូកបន្តិចទៀតទៅដល់មាត់អូរដែលមានទឹកហូររឹមៗ ដោយសារឥទ្ធិពលអណ្តាតពិស ដែលបានលិតជញ្ជក់លើដោះមូលក្លំអំបាញ់មិញនេះ។ ចំណែកឯធារីវិញ ដោយទ្រាំនឹងការបឺតក្បាលដោះក្លំរបស់ខ្លួននិងថែមទាំងយកដៃរុករុលក្នុងល្អាង ក៏អោនចុះមកស្រាតខោនាយចេញ។ -ឃ្លានណាស់សុំមើលតិចមើល។ គ្រាន់តែស្រាតខោបានបន្តចនាគរាជក៏អើតក្បាលឆ្ងក់ៗនៅពីមុខនាង។ -ធំហើយវែងណាស់តើស ពេញចិត្តអូនណាស់ ។ គ្រាន់តែប៉ុណ្ណឺកធារីក៏យកបបូរមាត់ស្តើងក្រហមដោយសារក្រែមទៅបឺតជញ្ជក់ក្បាលពស់រីពពាយរបស់សត្យាយ៉ាងឆ្ងាញ់។ -ម៉េចដែរអូ អាស ស្រាវណាស់បៀមស្រួលមែនអាស។ _ឆ្ងាញ់ណាស់សត្យា អឺមបស់បងឆ្ងាញ់ជាប់មាត់ណាស់។ ធារីបៀមយកៗ បឺតហាក់ចង់លេបវាទាំងអស់ណាស់ តែបានត្រឹមអោយសត្យាស្រាវស្រាបលើសក្តីប្រមាណ។ ប្រហែលទ្រាំតទៀតលែងបានហើយ ព្រោះនាងពូកែបៀមពេកក៏បញ្ឈប់។ -អូនក៏ចង់វាដែរ អឺម ធើម៉ង់ទៅចឹង អឺម។ សត្យាបានប្រាប់ឲ្យធារីបែរទៅជញ្ជាំងហើយទយគូទមកអោយខ្លួនស្រួលបញ្ចូលនាគរាជធំវែង។មើលទៅសត្យាចាប់កាន់នាគរាជទៅញល់តទល់ជាមួយនឹងដំបូកស្នេហ៏ប៉ោងបែកទឹកវ៉ល់របស់ធារី ហើយត្រដុះចុះឡើងៗមួយសន្ទុះ ក៏វែកខោក្នុងពណ៌សរបស់នាងចេញល្មមដាក់នាគរាជចូល បន្ទប់មកក៏ស៊កបញ្ចូលក្បាលក្តចូលក្នុងរន្ធស្នេហ៏ដែលឡើងប៉ោងហើយក្រហមឌឺរបស់ធារី សើយសំពត់ឡើងចឹងទៅសិចណាស់គូទធារី ឯនាយយើងបុកចុះឡើងៗយ៉ាងមុខស្ញូញ ព្រោះថាដំបូករបស់ធារីមានសភាពតឹងណែនដូចនៅក្រមុំចឹង ព្រោះរន្ធរបស់នាងខានបាននាគរាជត្បុលចូលជាយូរឆ្នាំមកហើយ បានត្រឹមតែជួយខ្លួនឯងជាមួយត្រសក់ តែប៉ុណ្ណឺង។ _អូយៗ ស្រៀវណាស់ ក្តបងធំណាស់ អាស ធំណាស់ តឹងមែន តិចៗអាស ស្រួលណាស់ដាក់អោយទៀតមោ ។ នាគរាជត្បុលទើបតែបានពាក់កណ្តាលស្រួលហើយ ។ប៉ុន្តែបន្តិចក្រោយមក ដោយមានទឹកអម្រិតពីឋានសួគមកធ្វើឲ្យពស់វែករបស់នាយ លូនចូលកាន់តែស្រួលទៅៗ ញាប់ទៅៗ ដែលធ្វើឲ្យសុដង់ក្លំរបស់នាងបោកផ្ទប់គ្នាទៅមកៗសែនសិចណាស់មើលណ អូញាក់សាច់ដោះស្អាតមេសទេ ស្រីអីស្អាតម្លេះពិសេសដោះនឹងគូទរីកសាយចាំស្វាគមន៏ការបុករបស់សត្យា។ មើលទៅធារីដំបូងឡើយធ្វើមុខឡើងជូព្រោះត្រូវនាគរាជត្បុលចូលឡើងស្រៀវពេញរន្ធ ហើយស្រែកថាឈឺព្រោះក្តធំពេក ព្រមទាំងបង្គាប់ឲ្យសត្យាលេងតិចៗតាមសម្រួល បែរជាក្រឡាស់សម្តីហើយបង្គាប់ឲ្យនាយវាយសម្រុកទៅមុខឲ្យខ្លាំងៗ ញាប់ៗ ព្រោះថាខ្លួនកំពុងតែស្លុងអារម្មណ៍ក្នុងពិភពស្រណុកសុខស្រួលដែលមិនធ្លាប់ជួបប្រទះតាំងពីបែកជាមួយសង្សារមក។សាប់ញាប់ៗមោកបង អាសអូយ ស្រួលណាស់ ស្រួលណាស់ ស្រួលមែនទែន ឲ្យលឿនហើយខ្លាំងៗមក ប៉ុន្តែសម្លេថផ្លាប់ៗ ផ្លឹបៗបានកងរំពងពេញបន្ទប់ទឹកទាំងមូល រួមទាំងសម្លេងថ្ងួចថ្ងូតយ៉ាងគ្រលួចរបស់ធារី។ - អាស អាស;អឹស អាស បងស្រួលណាស់,,,,,,,,បងធើអូនស្រួលណាស់ ។ -បងចង់ធើអូនយូរហើយ តែគ្មានឪកាស ឡូវបានធើហើយ អាស អាសអូយ ស្រួលក្តណាស់។ -អូនក៏ស្រួលក្តួយដែរអាស អូយ អឹម ស្រៀវដួយណាស់បងអាស។ -អូយៗៗៗៗៗបងៗៗៗៗៗចេញទឹក ចេញទឹកក្តហើយអូនអាស បងបាញ់ដាក់ហើយណា អូយ ចេញហើយៗ -អាស់ៗៗអឺសៗៗៗៗបងៗៗៗបាញ់មោ បាញ់ទឹកក្តបងដាក់ដួយអូនមោអាស អូយស្រៀវដួយណាស់ខ្លាំងៗអាស អាសៗស្រួលណាស់ស្រៀវមែនបង អាសអឺមអាស!</p> អ្នកទាំងពីរបានដល់គោលដៃរៀងខ្លួន ហើយសត្យាញាក់នាគរាជខ្ទើតៗក្នុងរន្ធស្នេហ៏ធារី ចំណែកឯធារីខំកៀបនាគរាជយកទឹកអោយអស់ព្រោះវាសែនស្រៀវរន្ធណាស់ពេលកៀបចឹងទៅ ពេលនោះសត្យាបានដកអាវុធធំវែងរបស់ខ្លួនចេញពីតំបន់ត្រីកោណមាសរបស់ធារី ដោយបានបន្សល់ទឹកទឹកសខាប់អន្ធិលៗ ហូរមក គួរអោយស្រៀវនាគរាជណាស់សម្រាប់អ្នកសរសេរនិងអ្នកអាន។ រួចហើយពួកគេឈរអោបគ្នាបន្តិច ហើយក៏រៀបខំខ្លួនត្រលប់ទៅថ្នាក់រៀងខ្លួនវិញ ទាំងមិនភ្លេចថើមជញ្ជក់គ្នាជាចុងក្រោយទៀត ។ចាប់ពីពេលនោះមក ធារីនឹងសត្យាក៏បានធ្វើជាសង្សារនឹងគ្នាហើយ តែងតែលួចរួមរក្ស័គ្នាក្នុងសាលារឺតាមសាធារណអោយតែមានអោយឪកាសសម្រាប់ពួកគេ។

Terry is a student in a university in the capital, claiming that a pretty girl at school she did not expect. Pride, and she was popular the first time because of the image hosting her own in Facebook last year, this picture her revealing makes males, no matter how old or young see and always strictly Leonard. It is not unusual for her because she allowed the men sees a Spaces stows not condone hands still known as a pretty girl annual facebook with her not only in Sin, yet in fact d'her cremated body will not stayosranaoh virginity several offers girlfriend Sam lovable her already, and she dared to do this, maybe she's heartbroken'll girlfriend also cheated her new married and look. Today she no longer cares love story really, and teriyaki in her pretty, at the age of just 21, Vong Sopheak entire poor Colombo white smooth as bantaulchek shape Maxwell spunky likes release sexy like this, how can a man who can not take their eyes to see, regardless of the foregoing its motor bike or car & hellip; anything! No. Terry wrote in her Facebook that all men in her class liked her, especially when she wears short cash loans (male dont). Terry She also said that her legs slim and this factor also adds special charm to attract male attention even more beauty to drown a level. Recall last time after admission d'also walked in the bathroom, then her interest that a man watching the shape until the shape looks pretty she really interested in them, because he was very handsome, very probably she was feeling well and that she looked forward to their even glow something with interest from the eye, it is clear, because they were both always interface sights together teriyaki and Satya really so good together Girl and Boy tee. Saintly We look left, right, and walk beside d'both say.
What break?_ Yes, the teacher asked. Terry said, pointing to the bathroom. The Satya watching nearby Sahara desert.
- I also want to enter the same bathroom as obstructive very quiet room dont have access?
Terry looked handsome man said, laughing at her, and she also felt they mean combined her feel teased.
- Be silent, not to be heard.
Just heard this Sathya also delighted and handshakes d'enters a room breb. Entered the room girls really quiet as it once chance to draw boasts a new operating dont just poured key immediately red lips sexy d'must cope with red lips thick of Sathya looks Sathya INTRODUCTION lips thin girl sexy thing.
- Lest he come to pee?
This time, and her d'behavior.
- Urinary bladder, but write Leone d'Ning.
- Damage as Facebook dont Sathya.
In fact, the two friends in Facebook.
- Want to know the nutrient water notice something delicious?
- Really delicious!Teriyaki just said, and then suddenly she colored and tear down on the outside and black pants legs pump Satya make stuff up against their tight. Resistance with the posturing of the girls do humbled did Sathya also pushed her to the side of the wall, because in the bathroom, not so big too and then beyond Satya started kissing sucking girls in a hurry and arm d'started detecting goddess Sathya again and Rutland County grabbed it comes shuffling peeling off.
- Solid yellow!
- It's hard since they see me wearing shorts.

_ Damaged. Sathya bobbin how students of Terry and fresh orange robe Sen her out! Oh, look at your nipples d'Sen. red Sathya began pumping breast size upgrading 34 of her play both sides.
- Lovely clean d'clearer in photos.
Terry did not speak their minds on Wall Robert chonhchokmeat turned groan strong undertone. Players can only be eradicated sensual Sathya groaned her long Sathya sucking the girl's mouloklom we spent even lick roaring down around upgrading. Hand groom our time is starting saeysaampt short of such students of the d'up and detection cave mystery of her but found turned meet mound bulge a large grass States should give unsaleable just touch the emotions of teriyaki and Satya Sen emotions too look Sathya hand liquid barging mouth mound shortly reach the mouth of streams of water flows gently from the effects tongue venom that was lick sucking on breast mouloklom just now. But d'resistant suction nipple upgrading their hand and take roukroul cave lying down trousers beyond.
- Very hungry look.
Just trousers continued goddess bitty chhngak_ in front of her.
- Very big and long, I am very satisfied.

Just seen Terry took a thin red lips cream sucking snake head ppeay Sathya delicious.
- How Ashdod research suck arsenic.
_ Very delicate Sathya euro chhnganh_cheabmeat.
Terry suck suck seems to absorb it all, but only to Sathya wine research. Perhaps no longer stand it anymore because she's good too suck stop.

- I also want to Euro Internet manganese dont euros.
Sathya told d'turned to the wall and toykout come to its easy input goddess long. Looks Sathya grip goddess go negative against the mound lover convex split water walnut's teriyaki and portfolio grows up and down moments as well distinction panties white her out enough put goddess room also inserted head hot into the lover who bloated and red Cardenas's d'saeysaampt up dont go very sexy buttocks d'beyond our bedding down very moukhasnhaunh because the mound of d'pretty tight as a virgin dont because her hole deprived of the goddess tbol many years only help themselves with cucumber still seen.
_ Oh scary hot Big Brother Ashdod very tense undertone Ashdod put pride. Goddess tbol has just half the easier it. But a little later, with the water level from heaven SECC make viper's officers slipped into better and worse often, which makes Fri density upgrading her splashes to and from each Sen. very sexy look mandate Oh nheaksach breast cleaner main white girl okay pretty inception especially breast buttocks proliferation remember Welcome decay of Sathya. Looks d'initially made up his grapes because the goddess tbol up scary filled holes and shouting sick because hot too well ordered to Sathya played softly from facilitating turned twist words and ordered officers to assault ahead aloud brisk because it is immersed in a world of comforts that ever faced since the breakup with his girlfriend came. Shuffle brisk nerds brother Ashdod Oh very easy very easy easy to fast and loud, but disenchanted Matt phlab flap had loudspeakers full bathrooms, including voice thnguoch noises continued soprano's teriyaki.
- Ashdod Ashdod; ATM Ashdod ,,,,,,,, Internet Leone.
- I wish you a long time and no opportunity now to address Internet address and a very hot and uncomfortable.
- I also moved to address ATM address very scary Duarte.
- Oh, pop, pop, pop siblings out water hot spiced Ashdod shot put and out
- EUR brothers shot proud Fountain July Duarte're proud of Ashdod scary Duarte very loud Ashdod
Ashdod very scary Ashdod euros Ashdod! </ P>
They went on to reach her hands, respectively, and Sathya chill goddess khtaet_ hole lover d'while d'seek to clamp goddess gave them water because it Sen scary hole when pressed dont go then Sathya was disarming its long out of the Golden Triangle's d'by leaving the water a thick gel flow should scary dragon for you to write and read. They stood hugging little and organized endeavor itself back to class, respectively, and shall never forget INTRODUCTION sucking together last longer. Since then, d'would Sathya borne girlfriend each other and often sexually assaulted each school or from public to still have chances for them

Terry is a student in a university in the capital, claiming that a pretty girl at school she did not expect. Pride, and she was popular the first time because of the image hosting her own in Facebook last year, this picture her revealing makes males, no matter how old or young see and always strictly Leonard. It is not unusual for her because she allowed the men sees a Spaces stows not condone hands still known as a pretty girl annual facebook with her not only in Sin, yet in fact d'her cremated body will not stayosranaoh virginity several offers girlfriend Sam lovable her already, and she dared to do this, maybe she's heartbroken'll girlfriend also cheated her new married and look. Today she no longer cares love story really, and teriyaki in her pretty, at the age of just 21, Vong Sopheak entire poor Colombo white smooth as bantaulchek shape Maxwell spunky likes release sexy like this, how can a man who can not take their eyes to see, regardless of the foregoing its motor bike or car & hellip; anything! No. Terry wrote in her Facebook that all men in her class liked her, especially when she wears short cash loans (male dont). Terry She also said that her legs slim and this factor also adds special charm to attract male attention even more beauty to drown a level. Recall last time after admission d'also walked in the bathroom, then her interest that a man watching the shape until the shape looks pretty she really interested in them, because he was very handsome, very probably she was feeling well and that she looked forward to their even glow something with interest from the eye, it is clear, because they were both always interface sights together teriyaki and Satya really so good together Girl and Boy tee. Saintly We look left, right, and walk beside d'both say.
What break?_ Yes, the teacher asked. Terry said, pointing to the bathroom. The Satya watching nearby Sahara desert.
- I also want to enter the same bathroom as obstructive very quiet room dont have access?
Terry looked handsome man said, laughing at her, and she also felt they mean combined her feel teased.
- Be silent, not to be heard.
Just heard this Sathya also delighted and handshakes d'enters a room breb. Entered the room girls really quiet as it once chance to draw boasts a new operating dont just poured key immediately red lips sexy d'must cope with red lips thick of Sathya looks Sathya INTRODUCTION lips thin girl sexy thing.
- Lest he come to pee?
This time, and her d'behavior.
- Urinary bladder, but write Leone d'Ning.
- Damage as Facebook dont Sathya.
In fact, the two friends in Facebook.
- Want to know the nutrient water notice something delicious?
- Really delicious!Teriyaki just said, and then suddenly she colored and tear down on the outside and black pants legs pump Satya make stuff up against their tight. Resistance with the posturing of the girls do humbled did Sathya also pushed her to the side of the wall, because in the bathroom, not so big too and then beyond Satya started kissing sucking girls in a hurry and arm d'started detecting goddess Sathya again and Rutland County grabbed it comes shuffling peeling off.
- Solid yellow!
- It's hard since they see me wearing shorts.

_ Damaged. Sathya bobbin how students of Terry and fresh orange robe Sen her out! Oh, look at your nipples d'Sen. red Sathya began pumping breast size upgrading 34 of her play both sides.
- Lovely clean d'clearer in photos.
Terry did not speak their minds on Wall Robert chonhchokmeat turned groan strong undertone. Players can only be eradicated sensual Sathya groaned her long Sathya sucking the girl's mouloklom we spent even lick roaring down around upgrading. Hand groom our time is starting saeysaampt short of such students of the d'up and detection cave mystery of her but found turned meet mound bulge a large grass States should give unsaleable just touch the emotions of teriyaki and Satya Sen emotions too look Sathya hand liquid barging mouth mound shortly reach the mouth of streams of water flows gently from the effects tongue venom that was lick sucking on breast mouloklom just now. But d'resistant suction nipple upgrading their hand and take roukroul cave lying down trousers beyond.
- Very hungry look.
Just trousers continued goddess bitty chhngak_ in front of her.
- Very big and long, I am very satisfied.

Just seen Terry took a thin red lips cream sucking snake head ppeay Sathya delicious.
- How Ashdod research suck arsenic.
_ Very delicate Sathya euro chhnganh_cheabmeat.
Terry suck suck seems to absorb it all, but only to Sathya wine research. Perhaps no longer stand it anymore because she's good too suck stop.

- I also want to Euro Internet manganese dont euros.
Sathya told d'turned to the wall and toykout come to its easy input goddess long. Looks Sathya grip goddess go negative against the mound lover convex split water walnut's teriyaki and portfolio grows up and down moments as well distinction panties white her out enough put goddess room also inserted head hot into the lover who bloated and red Cardenas's d'saeysaampt up dont go very sexy buttocks d'beyond our bedding down very moukhasnhaunh because the mound of d'pretty tight as a virgin dont because her hole deprived of the goddess tbol many years only help themselves with cucumber still seen.
_ Oh scary hot Big Brother Ashdod very tense undertone Ashdod put pride. Goddess tbol has just half the easier it. But a little later, with the water level from heaven SECC make viper's officers slipped into better and worse often, which makes Fri density upgrading her splashes to and from each Sen. very sexy look mandate Oh nheaksach breast cleaner main white girl okay pretty inception especially breast buttocks proliferation remember Welcome decay of Sathya. Looks d'initially made up his grapes because the goddess tbol up scary filled holes and shouting sick because hot too well ordered to Sathya played softly from facilitating turned twist words and ordered officers to assault ahead aloud brisk because it is immersed in a world of comforts that ever faced since the breakup with his girlfriend came. Shuffle brisk nerds brother Ashdod Oh very easy very easy easy to fast and loud, but disenchanted Matt phlab flap had loudspeakers full bathrooms, including voice thnguoch noises continued soprano's teriyaki.
- Ashdod Ashdod; ATM Ashdod ,,,,,,,, Internet Leone.
- I wish you a long time and no opportunity now to address Internet address and a very hot and uncomfortable.
- I also moved to address ATM address very scary Duarte.
- Oh, pop, pop, pop siblings out water hot spiced Ashdod shot put and out
- EUR brothers shot proud Fountain July Duarte're proud of Ashdod scary Duarte very loud Ashdod
Ashdod very scary Ashdod euros Ashdod! </ P>
They went on to reach her hands, respectively, and Sathya chill goddess khtaet_ hole lover d'while d'seek to clamp goddess gave them water because it Sen scary hole when pressed dont go then Sathya was disarming its long out of the Golden Triangle's d'by leaving the water a thick gel flow should scary dragon for you to write and read. They stood hugging little and organized endeavor itself back to class, respectively, and shall never forget INTRODUCTION sucking together last longer. Since then, d'would Sathya borne girlfriend each other and often sexually assaulted each school or from public to still have chances for them

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